WWE NXT Results – January 31, 2023

Edwin  - CEO February 2, 2023
Updated 2023/02/02 at 1:45 AM
38 Min Read
NXT Header Image @wwe.com

The WWE NXT Vengeance Day 2023 “go-home” edition of NXT on USA kicks off with the usual “WWE Then. Now. Forever. Together” opening signature narrated by John Cena





From there, we shoot inside the Capitol Wrestling Center inside the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida. Vic Joseph and Booker T welcome us to this week’s show, and then we head down to the ring for our opening act. Matt Boone reports for PW Mania.


The Creed Brothers vs. Indus Sher



The Creed Brothers vs. Indus Sher: WWE NXT, Jan. 31, 2023 - YouTube



The camera pans to the crowd, and then we hear the familiar sounds of the entrance music for The Creed Brothers. Outcomes Julius and Brutus Creed accompanied by Ivy Nile. The duo makes their way to the ring for our opening contest, which will be contested in NXT’s men’s tag-team division.


We see The Creed Brothers in a forehead-to-forehead style football huddle, hyping themselves ahead of the anticipated showdown against emerging rivals Indus Sher. Their music dies down, and then the theme for their opponents hits, and out comes Sanga and Veer Mahaan, accompanied by Jinder Mahal.


Both teams are settled inside the squared circle, and the bell sounds to get this one officially off-and-running. Sanga and Julius kick things off for their respective teams. We see some back-and-forth action, with Sanga getting the better of things.


Brutus tags in and gives it a go at the bigger, stronger opposition but endures the same fate that his tag-team partner did early on. We see The Creed Brothers make a couple of frequent tags as their offensive attempts start to find traction for the first time in the contest thus far.


This doesn’t last for long, however, as Indus Sher also makes a couple of tags, and after Jinder Mahal provides a distraction at ringside, they settle into a comfortable offensive lead. We see Brutus isolated in the ring and getting beaten down by Sanga and Veer, who continue to utilize frequent tags to keep the fresher man on the weakened Creed at all times.


Julius is shown eagerly anticipating a much-needed tag on the apron as Brutus continues to hope for some wiggle room to make something happen so he can find his way to his corner to bring in the other Creed Brother.


After this continues for a few more minutes, we finally see Brutus make it over to tag in Julius. The fresher of the two Creed Brothers hit the ring like a bat out of hell, hitting anything that moves as the crowd cheers him on.


He hits an impressive powerbomb, which he holds onto, and follows up with a double under-hook powerbomb into a pin attempt. The Indus Sher member manages to kick out before the count of three. Shortly after this, he makes the tag to Sanga. Veer remains in the ring.


We see a sequence play out where Ivy Nile ends up on the ring apron, only to get bumped off and crash onto the floor at ringside hard when Creed bounces off the ring ropes. He immediately goes out to check on her; while he does, the legal Creed Brother in the ring falls victim to a match-ending choke slam.


Winners: Indus Sher


NXT Star Apologises For Spoiling Great American Bash Main Event


Backstage: Tyler Bate, Axiom & Damon Kemp


After the opening contest wraps up, we shoot backstage, where we see Tyler Bate and Axiom bantering back and forth when in comes Damon Kemp ranting about how his time in the United Kingdom taught him one thing about the myth of the European style of wrestling — it’s overrated.


He finishes up and walks off, and then we get some more fun-spirited talk between Bate and Axiom, teasing a potential future showdown between the two.


Zoey Stark vs. Indi Hartwell


Zoey Stark vs. Indi Hartwell: WWE NXT, Nov. 1, 2022 | WWE


Now we head back inside the CWC, where the theme for Zoey Stark hits. The women’s wrestling star makes her way down to the ring for our second match of the evening. She settles inside the circle, and her entrance tune wraps up.


The theme for her opponent, Indi Hartwell, is that it hits, and out she comes. As she finishes her ring walk, we see a spit-screen shot of some “earlier today” footage backstage in the NXT women’s locker room, including Hartwell and Stark doing some verbal jousting.


After this, we switch to a solo camera shot inside the ring as the bell sounds to get this women’s singles bout off-and-running. We see Stark fare well coming out of the gate. However, it isn’t long before Hartwell has her completely on the defensive, pushing the action and coming close on a couple of early pin attempts.


Stark finally capitalizes on an opening she finds in the hazy onslaught that she has been on the wrong end of throughout most of the match thus far. She shifted the offensive momentum to her favor for her first prolonged run in the lead in the bout.


Hartwell ends up fighting from underneath back into competitive form and, eventually, takes back control of the offense in the contest. She looks to try and finish off Stark on a few occasions. However, the women’s wrestling star is too tough to stay down.


This ends up being to the detriment of her opponent, as she hangs in there long enough to find some more momentum building on her side. She gets in some more big spots for a couple of pin attempts; however, after Stark takes back control of the offensive driver’s seat, she wastes no time in blasting Hartwell with her knee-strike finisher for the pinfall victory.


Winner: Zoey Stark


Zoey Stark


After The Match: Zoey Starks Continues The Beatdown, and Sol Ruca Makes a Save.


Once the match wraps up, we see Stark not content enough with the victory, as she goes right back to work on hammering the beaten down and grounded Hartwell.


She blasts her with punishing ground-and-pound until finally, Sol Ruca does a run-in to make the save, running off Stark and helping Hartwell from the unnecessary post-match onslaught.


Backstage: The Schism, Wes Lee


Is Ava Raine brainwashed by Schism?: WWE NXT, Oct. Nov. 1, 2022 | WWE


Following the post-match scene after the women’s singles bout, we shoot backstage and see The Schism members together delivering a message.


After this wraps up, we see NXT North American Champion Wes Lee preparing to head to the ring for the next evening segment.






Before that, however, we finally head to our first commercial break of the evening in this show, which, as reported earlier today, will feature limited commercial interruptions.


Apollo Crews With A Message For Carmelo Hayes Ahead Of NXT Vengeance Day


When we return from the break, we see Apollo Crews outdoors talking directly to the camera about feeling the excitement in the city of Charlotte, North Carolina, as the region prepares for the NXT Vengeance Day 2023 premium live event this coming Saturday night.


Apollo then gets into his scheduled two-out-of-three falls showdown against Carmelo Hayes. He vows victory and mentions how Trick Williams better not get involved during the match.


He concludes by saying Carmelo likes to say Apollo is the past and he is the future. He promises to prove at NXT Vengeance Day this coming weekend that the “past” will dictate the “future.”


Wes Lee With A Message For Dijak, Von Wagner & Mr. Stone Interrupt


Now we head back inside the CWC, where we hear the familiar sounds of NXT North American Champion Wes Lee. He talks about his scheduled title defense against Dijak at this Saturday’s NXT Vengeance Day.


Lee is honest with his pre-match assessment, voluntarily offering the prediction that he will likely take an ass-whooping before all is said and done in his championship clash with Dijak at the first NXT premium live event of the New Year in Charlotte, North Carolina.


As he continues to talk, he is interrupted by the entrance theme for his scheduled opponent, Dijak. The imposing tower goes down to the squared circle to confront the reigning title-holder.


He tells Wes Lee that he gave him multiple chances to hand over the NXT North American Championship to him so that Dijak wouldn’t have to endure the beating he has waiting for him at NXT Vengeance Day.


While Dijak and Lee continue to joust with one another verbally, we see Von Wagner and Mr. Stone make their way out to join them in the ring. The four go back and forth on the stick until finally; a match is set, pitting Dijak against Von Wagner.


Dijak vs. Von Wagner



Dijak vs. Von Wagner: WWE NXT, Jan. 31, 2023 | WWE



Dijak and Von Wagner start duking it out, and the bell sounds to officially get this impromptu singles bout off-and-running. We see Wagner hanging tough coming out of the gate. However, Dijak starts to settle into the early offensive lead.


As he does, we head to a mid-match commercial break as the action continues. When we return, we see the match still in progress in the ring. Dijak blasts Wagner with some big shots and finishes with a big lariat that floors the NXT Superstar. He goes for the cover, but Wagner kicks out after the count of two.


NXT North American Champion Wes Lee is heard on special guest commentary along with Vic Joseph and Booker T, sounding off with his thoughts on Dijak and Wagner. Dijak gets the goozle, but Wagner fights his way out of it.


The two trade strikes until Wagner muscles Dijak up and connects with a suplex that sees him bounce the next challenger for the NXT North American title onto the turnbuckles in multiple corners of the ring in sequence.


Wagner heads to the top rope, soaring off with a big splash. He then sends Dijak into the opposing corner but then sprints directly into the big waiting boot of Dijak, which bounces off the dome of Wagner. Dijak starts to elbow his way back into a dominant position in this match.


Once again, we see Wagner fight his way back into competitive form. He again gets his goozle before looking for a choke slam. However, Dijak does some fancy maneuvering to counter his way out of it. Dijak hits Hard Justice and immediately goes for the follow-up pin attempt, but somehow Wagner kicks out.


From there, we work our way into the final offensive sequences in the match. Dijak nails Wagner in the corner and puts him on the top turnbuckle. After that, he climbs up after him and grabs his throat.


Von Wagner then elbows his way out of it and lays hammer shots to the back before connecting with a double under-hook face-buster off the top for a close near fall of his own. Finally, Wagner attempts an Angle Slam, only for Dijak to escape the back door.


He then slaps a sleeper hold on Wagner and traps his arm behind him as he squeezes the life out of his opposition. From there, he hoists Wagner up and brings him down with his finisher for the pinfall victory.


Winner: Dijak






Backstage: Tony D’Angelo & Stacks


Once the Dijak-Wagner bout wraps up, we head backstage to see Tony D’Angelo and the newly appointed under-boss, Stacks, talking together. Stacks is upset about Dijak; however, “The Don” tells him to let it go.


We hear D’Angelo question Stacks about the big impact he would make, saying he took care of the “first thing” before assuring him that it’s done for the week. He follows that up by stating that the “second thing” is about to get done now.


Who Was Nikkita Lyons’ Mystery Parking Lot Attacker Last Week?


From there, we shoot to another backstage segment. This one features a quick preamble set-up by NXT commentators Vic Joseph and Booker T, who recap the part on last week’s show which saw a mystery attacker ambush and beat down Nikkita Lyons in the parking lot, leading to the women’s wrestling star being forced to undergo surgery to repair a torn MCL and meniscus in her knee.


We then shoot to McKenzie Mitchell backstage, talking about the mystery attacker. She shows back the footage and slows things down. Valentina, Dani Palmer, Arianna Grace, and others begin to walk away.


After this, an unidentified woman drives away, and Elektra and Lola Vice walk away while Tiffany Stratton is going through her back nearby. Zoey Stark is nearby, along with Tatum and Lash in the background. Also watching from inside her vehicle is Wendy Choo. No one seems to want to take credit for the savage attack inflicted on Lyons last Tuesday night.


Special Look At NXT Title Steel Cage Rematch Between Bron Breakker, Grayson Waller


When we return from the commercial time-out, Vic Joseph and Booker T build up the NXT Championship main event Steel Cage rematch between current defending title-holder Bron Breakker and number one contender Grayson Waller at the NXT Vengeance Day 2023 premium live event this coming Saturday night in Charlotte, N.C.


After this, we shoot to the pre-taped video package, which includes new ‘talking head’ comments from Breakker and Waller, as they talk into the camera in cut-in excerpts as highlights of their ongoing rivalry are shown. Good stuff and a well-produced piece to generate added interest in Saturday’s WWE NXT special event.


Tyler Bate vs. Axiom


It’s time to head back to the ring as the commentators set the stage and gear up for the next match of the evening here on the NXT Vengeance Day 2023 “go-home” installment of NXT on the USA.


With that said, out comes Tyler Bate and masked NXT veteran Axiom with their separate ring entrances. The bell sounds after each man settles inside the squared circle, and these two immediately start to get after it.


After initially locking up, Axiom is backed into the ropes. We see some more typical early opening match action from both guys until Bate works off the ropes and reverses an arm drag into one of his own on Axiom, leading to his first prolonged run of offensive control in the contest.


Tyler Bate spends most of his time in the offensive driver’s seat focusing his attack on the arm of Axiom. He works over the limb and secures an arm-bar submission. Axiom tries to wiggle his way free, and just as he looks to be near escaping, Bate re-applies the arm-lock with a firmer grasp.


Eventually, the masked veteran finds his way free and shifts the offensive momentum in his favor. As this one-on-one showdown continues, we head to a picture-in-picture, mid-match commercial break.


When we return from the break, we see some more intense, fast-paced, and hard-hitting back-and-forth action from these two, with each guy spending a respectful amount of time controlling the offense and dictating the action taking place in the ring. Ultimately, things work their way to the finish, which sees Bate connect with a Tiger Driver ’98 for the pinfall victory.


Winner: Tyler Bate


After The Match: Damon Kemp Attacks!


Once the match wraps up, we see Tyler Bate showing a sign of good sportsmanship and respect for his opponent as he stands and applauds the efforts of Axiom after earning the victory over him in their hard-fought encounter.


The good vibes quickly shift the dastardly deeds as Damon Kemp makes his way out. Kemp does the post-match run-in, attacking Axiom and hitting him with a uranage back-breaker. Bate ends up chasing Kemp off, making the save for Axiom.


Backstage: Isla Dawn Says It’s Time For Imbolc


We shoot backstage after the Bate-Axiom post-match scene involving Kemp. We see Isla Dawn talking directly into the camera with a very trademark-style speaking segment from the dark, ominous character.


Dawn goes on to touch on the subject of “Imbolc.” She says it is the beginning of Spring, the annual time for “new beginnings.” She says tonight, and on the eve of Imbolc, we will purge the constraints of the past and purify the “negative energies” before introducing a new member to the house.


Isla wraps up her brief backstage segment by talking about how she always knew that Alba Fyre needed a gentle nudge to ignite the fire that was burning with a rage deep inside her. She begins the ritual to “shed their egos” and “relinquish their control needs.” The initiation has begun.


Satellite Conversation With NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez & Toxic Attraction


From there, we head to another commercial break. When we return from the advertising time-out, we shift gears and lead to a satellite conversation featuring NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez and her two opponents in the scheduled triple-threat title match at NXT Vengeance Day, Toxic Attraction duo Jacy Jane and Gigi Dolin.


Perez says it was overwhelming to be the youngest woman ever in the Royal Rumble with her debut Women’s Royal Rumble match performance this past Saturday night at The Alamodome in San Antonio, in her home state of Texas. She describes the experience as “incredible” before Jane and Dolin cut in with some reaction remarks.


Jacy Jane points out that Perez’s efforts were “incredibly pathetic” and certainly didn’t come close to leading her to victory. She says at NXT Vengeance Day this Saturday night in Charlotte, N.C., she will lose her NXT Women’s Championship.


Dolin chimes in and adds that Perez likely fared so poorly in her inaugural Women’s Royal Rumble match-outing largely due to Toxic Attraction beating her down and putting her through a table during the contract signing for their triple-threat title tilt on a recent episode of NXT on USA.


As they continue, Roxanne says she knows there’s a lot of truth to what they said, and Jacy says there’s zero chance. Perez tries to talk a couple of times and keeps getting cut off. Jacy says Perez peaked at age 21, and on Saturday, it’s all coming to an end.


The NXT Women’s Champion responds by disputing the claim, only for Gigi Dolin to interrupt her to insist that it will come to a bitter end in just a few days. Jane suggests that if all else fails when Perez loses her title this Saturday night, she can at least play the “What If?” game.


She adds that she can envision how things would have gone for her had she chosen a different path that didn’t include Toxic Attraction. They vow to end Perez’s “15 minutes of fame.”


From there, Perez leaves her seat in the split-screen satellite interview. As Dolin and Jane continue to jaw about Perez, they are surprised to see her appear with a lightning-fast intensity, lunging onto both of them as soon as she is within reaching distance.


The NXT Women’s Champion brawls and beats down the two challengers she will defend her title against at NXT Vengeance Day 2023 to end the promotional pre-match segment.


Stevie Turner vs. Dani Palmer


Stevie Turner returns to the ring: WWE NXT, Jan. 31, 2023 - YouTube


It’s time for live web podcast sensation Stevie Turner to leave her computer screen and step inside the ring ropes for her official WWE NXT in-ring television debut. That said, Turner makes her way down to the ring and settles inside.


Already in the ring is her scheduled opponent for her first-ever NXT on USA match, Dani Palmer.


The bell sounds, and we’re officially off-and-running with this one-on-one bout from the NXT women’s division. We see Turner execute a nice arm drag to take Palmer to the mat straight out of the gate. Palmer returns to her feet and flips out of the hold before hitting a nice waist-lock reversal.


Turner smashes Palmer with an elbow and then slaps a side-head-lock on her opposition for her inaugural in-ring showing on NXT TV. Palmer finds her way out of the clutches of Turner. However, this only leads to Palmer getting kicked down to the mat and choked on the ring ropes.


We see Stevie Turner come off the ropes with a nice kick to the dome of Palmer. She then blasts her with a follow-up kick before hitting a nice neck-breaker. She locks Palmer in a sleeper hold and squeezes away. Palmer ends up escaping and running her over.


She hits Turner with a nice jaw-breaker and then launches herself onto the debuting women’s prospect with a “Stone Cold” Steve Austin-style Lou Thesz-Press. As she settles in with top position after the momentum takes the two down to the mat, she unleashes a ferocious barrage of ground and pound.


Soon after this, Stevie Turner shifts the offensive momentum back into her favor. She takes Palmer out with a beautiful pump-kick, which she follows up with a well-executed DDT. She used the choke slam to seal the deal and secured the pinfall victory for the debuting Turner.


Winner: Stevie Turner



Stevie Turner Wins In-Ring Debut On 1/31 WWE NXT



Turner can grab Dani and take her out with a pump kick off the ropes, followed by a DDT. Choke slam finishes it.



Kiana James Talking To Zack, Gets Approached By Fallon Henley



Now we shoot backstage, where we see Kiana James talking to Zack, who she mentions loving. In walks Fallon Henley, who questions who James is talking to. James avoids the question. Henley said that she knew Kiana would only break the heart of her good friend, Brooks Jensen.



Katana Chance and Kayden Carter enter the picture and bicker back and forth with James and Henley. The reigning NXT Women’s Tag-Team Champions claim their titles aren’t going anywhere when the four meet inside the squared circle with the belts on the line at NXT Vengeance Day 2023.



The champs walk off, leaving James and Henley alone again. The segment wraps up soon after this, with the final comments seeing Henley tell James that despite everything they were discussing with Jensen, they should focus on their title opportunity this coming weekend.



Drew Gulak vs. Charlie Dempsey




Drew Gulak vs. Charlie Dempsey: WWE NXT, Jan. 31, 2023 | WWE



It’s time for the co-main event of the evening, as the final match before the scheduled main event gets underway after Drew Gulak and his opponent, Charlie Dempsey, make their respective ring entrances.



As the match gets off-and-running following the sounding of the bell, we head to a mid-match commercial break as the action continues.



When we return from the break, we see Gulak kicking out of a submission and getting caught with a dragon screw whip for two. My feed goes whacky again, and when it’s back, Gulak has Dempsey on hold but gets snapmare over.


We see another dragon screw leg-whip from there, and Dempsey goes into a single-leg crab. Gulak kicks his way out again, blocks a shot, and hits a spinning lariat for two. Dempsey picks up Gulak for a back-breaker for two, and both are slow to get up afterward. Dempsey is up but gets b*tch-slapped by Gulak.


Now we see Dempsey with a kick to the head; Gulak takes him down for two, and Dempsey right into submission, but Gulak reverses. Dempsey to his feet and goes for the cross-face chicken wing. He gets Gulak to his knees and then drops him down.


We finally work our way to the match-finish, which sees Gulak struggling to get to the ropes, and Gulak throws him off. Dempsey collides with Hank Walker on the outside; Gulak follows this up by rolling Dempsey up for three-count and the win.


Winner: Drew Gulak



Drew Gulak appears on WWE NXT during Charlie Dempsey vs. Hank Walker match



The New Day Tag Team Invitational


The Dyad vs. Andre Chase & Duke Hudson vs. Edris Enofe & Malik Blade




3×3: The best and worst of WWE NXT January 31, 2023 | Superfights



After a quick Jerry McGuire-inspired backstage segment with Von Wagner and Mr. Stone, we head back to the ring inside the CWC for our main evening event, which features high stakes related to the NXT Vengeance Day 2023 tag-team title match this coming Saturday night.



The winner of this match will join Gallus, Pretty Deadly, and reigning, defending tag-team champions The New Day in the Fatal 4 Way championship contest. The Schism is the first team to make their way down to the ring. As they step through the ring ropes, we head to a pre-match commercial break.




Chase U stay tops Image @wwe.com



As we settle back in from the commercial break, the ring entrances of the other two teams in the match, the duo of Andre Chase and Duke Hudson from Chase U, and the team of Edris Enofe and Malik Blade, take place. The bell then sounds to get this high-stakes NXT on USA main event off-and-running.



We see Hudson and Fowler kicking things off for their respective teams early. Duke with a big slam in the middle of the ring. Chase and Enofe are legal now. They lock up, and trade holds. Chase with a roll-up for two as fans do dueling chants.



Now the two trade holds on the mat again, and Chase says this was a teachable moment. Chase dodges Enofe but gets caught with a big dropkick in the middle of the ring. Blade tags in, but Chase doesn’t see it.



Blade and Enofe double team Chase, and Blade covers for 1. Chase rocks Blade and in comes Reid off the tag. The referee forces Blade out as Reid goes to work on Chase, kicking him out of the ring. Fowler grabs Chase, and they hit the big spiked Tombstone pile driver on the floor, with Reid launching himself out of the call for the spike.



Joe Gacy is satisfied. Fowler slams Chase on the apron and brings him back in, spiking him into the mat for a close two-count. Fowler grounds Chase now as the Chase University student section rallies. Fowler breaks it and works Chase over for several quick pin attempts.



After this, we see Fowler starting to get frustrated. Chase finally gets an opening, but Reid runs in and dropkicks Duke off the apron. Reid turns around to a big backdrop from Chase. Chase goes to tag, but Duke is still down off the apron.



Fowler attacks, but Chase gets the upper hand. Chase leaps to tag in Blade or Enofe, but The Dyad yank Enofe and Blade to the floor, and Chase lands hard. The Dyad with their double team Backstabber to Chase, but he kicks out just in time. Duke finally gets the hot tag to unload on both of The Dyad. Duke clotheslines Fowler after right hands, then a senton.



Hudson then attacks Reid, knocking him off the apron with a big boot. Duke brings Reid back in as fans chant, “let’s go, Duke!” now. Duke launches himself into a big German suplex to Reid. He goes for a follow-up pin attempt, but Reid kicks out after the count of two.



Next, we see Malik Blade end up as the legal man in the ring, and he immediately makes an impact after he connects with a beautiful cross-body splash on Reid. The Blade runs and leaps out to take Hudson to the ringside area.



We now work our way to the finishing sequence of the bout, which kicks off when Blade tags in Enofe and then connects with a devastating top rope splash to Reid. Edris Enofe then follows up with a top-rope splash of his own.



The two then hit a double-team neck-breaker spot on Reid, but Chase, Hudson, and Fowler all end up in the ring to break up the attempted cover. After this, we hear the fans break out in a loud “NXT! NXT!” chant.



Finally, Andre Chase tags himself in and power-bombs everyone down to the mat with a vengeance (pun intended!) The Chase U leader follows this up by hitting his trademark stomps as the fans inside the CWC chant with each letter he shouts out with each stomp that connects.



Ava Raine ends up on the ring apron, only for Chase U’s Thea Hail to yank her down to the floor. Meanwhile, Chase dodges Reid’s big diving kick in the ring. He counters that with a Frat-liner for the pinfall victory.



After the match, Chase and Duke stand tall as the music hits. Hail rushes into the ring and runs around while yelling out. We go to replays. Chase U continues their celebration until we see Gallus looking on from the platform above the crowd.



Pretty Deadly comes out to the entranceway to stare down Chase U. The New Day appears on the big screen in a pre-recorded video. They congratulate Chase U and announce that they are going to Vengeance Day.



The New Day rants some and says they will see them all this Saturday in Charlotte. The New Day gets the crowd to give it up for Chase University one more time. Chase U’s music starts as Gallus and Pretty Deadly look on.



After this, we see an extensive video package recapping tonight’s events and hyping Saturday’s big show, and then things wrap up as this week’s show goes off the air. Thanks for joining us!



Winners and ADVANCING to NXT Tag-Team Championship Fatal-4-Way at NXT Vengeance Day: Andre Chase & Duke Hudson


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