TBS Championship Match!
Willow Nightingale (c.) (with Stokely Hathaway & Kris Statlander) vs. “The CEO” Mercedes Moné!
#ANDNEW TBS Champion The CEO Mercedes Moné!
Order #AEWDoN on PPV right now!
💻: https://t.co/MpmTCyHt8n
🔗: https://t.co/GTkwK7GBIn@willowwrestles | @MercedesVarnado pic.twitter.com/pBMY2QCSgk— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) May 27, 2024
There were dueling chants at the start of the match. Mercedes took down Willow with an arm drag and rolled Willow up with a crucifix for a near fall. Willow paint brushed Mercedes, AEW reports.
Willow charged at Mercedes, but Mercedes pulled the ropes down and Willow’s momentum carried her through them and to the floor. Willow intercepted a sliding dropkick and power bombed Mercedes onto the apron!
Mercedes had Willow in an ankle lock. Willow escaped with more paint brush strikes. Mercedes wiped out Willow with a vicious dragon screw leg whip.
Mercedes blasted Willow with a backstabber. Willow grabbed an ankle lock, but Mercedes escaped. Mercedes ran off the ropes, but Willow pounced her!
“What a shot, man. Haymaker Jones,” said Taz.
The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”
Willow stunned Mercedes with a spinebuster! Mercedes countered a power bomb, but Willow hit a fisherman’s suplex for a two-count.
Willow tried for a superplex, but Mercedes slipped out and power bombed Mercedes. Willow chopped at Mercedes’ ankle and then dropped her on the apron with a knee breaker!
Willow swung Mercedes around the ring in an inverted cloverleaf. Willow followed up with a Death Valley Driver in the corner.
Willow went for a cannonball, but Mercedes moved out of the way! Mercedes smashed Willow with a meteora for a near fall! Mercedes followed up with another meteora, this time from the apron and smashing Willow onto the floor.
While Stokely and Statlander were arguing with the referee on the apron, Willow doctor bombed Mercedes and went for the cover. The ref finally turned around and began the count, but Mercedes had enough time to recover and kick out.
“The retain was there but Stokely and Statlander realized they screwed up,” said Taz.
“Willow had the win. She can’t allow this to affect her,” replied Excalibur.
Willow went for another doctor bomb, but this time Mercedes escaped and locked in the cross face on Willow. Mercedes transitioned to the STF.
Willow reached the ropes and forced the ref to break the hold. Mercedes planted Willow with the Moné Maker and pinned Willow!
“She earned this one!” said Tony Schiavone.
And new TBS Champion… “The CEO” Mercedes Moné!